Vacancies Open for Deputy Secretary - Gazette Second Class (उपसचिव) of Nepal Foreign Service

Vacancies Open for Deputy Secretary of Nepal Foreign Service

Notice no. 914/080-81

Publication date: 2080/11/16

From the honorable Supreme Court writ no. 080-WO-0390 dated 2080/09/13 for the implementation of the order of the repatriation mandate of Nepal Foreign Service. Promoted to the following posts of second grade, deputy secretary or similar, A.P. And since the position has to be filled through open competitive examination, applications are invited from the candidates who meet the qualifications mentioned below. 

In the advertisement according to this notice dated 2080/06/25, previously published A.P. And since the applications of the candidates who applied in the open advertisements and promotion notices will be maintained in the new promotion notices and advertisements, such candidates will not have to submit their applications again.

Here is the detailed information attached below:

Vacancies Open for Deputy Secretary - Gazette Second Class (उपसचिव) of Nepal Foreign Service

Vacancies Open for Deputy Secretary - Gazette Second Class (उपसचिव) of Nepal Foreign Service

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